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June 2022


Last month we mentioned that we were looking to increase our prices from the 1st July, as we can no longer absorb the increasing costs since our price increase last year - both on the farming side and the processing/packaging side. Unfortunately, we need to pass these on to continue to operate and provide our service to you. We have decided to delay this increase by a month, so that they now come into effect from the 3rd of August. Essentially, our prices are increasing by 10-15% for pasteurised and raw products respectively. In July, you will receive the full new price list from the 3rd of August, with all our produce listed. In addition to the price increases, we will also be increasing our delivery charge to 50p per delivery.

It is with regret that we are making these increases, but they are necessary for us to remain a viable business!


We are opening a small campsite on the farm throughout August! The campsite faces east, on a gently sloping field overlooking the beautiful Pevensey Levels (SSSI). The sunrises are amazing! The campsite is in a private location and, being bordered by two footpaths, it has excellent links to the local footpath network to access the Pevensey Levels, and the local market town of Hailsham. The cows walk past the campsite every morning on their way to being milked, and every evening as they return to the marsh after the afternoon milking.

For more details and any enquiries, please email


We really appreciate our customers rinsing and returning the glass milk bottles. We would also welcome any empty glass jars, pots and small 250ml bottles which contain our cream, yoghurt, ghee and kefir. Thank you!


Now the day temperatures are higher (even when not sunny), don’t forget to put out a cool box, or even a bucket of cold water or terracotta pot, for the milkman to put your milk in. This is especially important if you are not at home to take the milk straight in to put in the fridge. Also, a quick reminder that the door of the fridge is the warmest place to store your milk: sometimes a longer shelf life will be gained by putting the milk at the back of the fridge instead.


We have one vacancy at present. We are looking for a person who can drive and run a farmers’ market stall for us in London on a Saturday or Sunday. If you or someone you know would like to become part of our team at Hook & Son, please let us know. It’s a lovely working environment, hard but satisfying work, with no two days the same!


It’s BBQ time! Please contact the office if you would like some of our amazing beef burgers or sausages added to your delivery.

Best wishes with thanks for all your support for our farm. From Phil and Marilyn, Steve and Claire, and all of us at Hook & Son


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