It's fantastic news: the housing development has been refused!
The councillors on the planning committee voted with a huge majority to refuse the application to develop the land, with only one councillor voting for its approval. A big part of the reason for this refusal, despite the council’s Planning Officer recommending approval, was the overwhelming support we have received from you, and the incredible number of emails and telephone calls you have made to the councillors on the committee, objecting to the application. Do not underestimate the influence your contributions have made! Your input really helped the councillors understand the importance of the food this land provides. We are so thankful to each and every one of you!
We will ask the landowners if we can farm the land again, after having been removed from the land in September. Hopefully they will allow us to graze the land again this year.
The developer, Fernham Homes, may appeal against the council’s decision to refuse the application; that is their call and we await that decision. If they do appeal, the appeal will be decided by the Planning Inspectorate. We’ll keep you posted on this.
A huge thankyou and respect to the councillors who have greatly considered all the issues involved, and stood up for the land to remain in agricultural use, and gone against the Planning Officer's recommendation for approval. It is a milestone event: our councillors have been decisive in putting food production importance ahead of building houses on good, productive, organic agricultural land.
Thank you all!